With no plans of cheating, I moved them in and played a couple of sim days. #1 - I slightly modified one of the built-in two-storey sim houses available and created a three-member family called the Michigans. Yes, that's all I did last weekend, and I got three things done: Me, I forget about eating, bathing, and sleeping to do something else: build and design sim houses. Others spend so much time building skills and gaining friends for their sim to reach the top of its career. Some people enjoy playing The Sims because they get to control lives like a god. I am aware that there's already a third game in one of the most successful video game series of all time, but since I have already mastered the controls and gameplay of this version, I decided to stick with it until I get bored with it. Nickelodeon, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and all related titles, logos, and characters are trademarks of Viacom International Inc.Yes, it was all because of The Sims 2.

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