If you choose a real high number, your fonts will quickly start to take over your computer. Important: This change will affect all fonts on your system, so it’s important not to overdo it. In the recent version of Windows 10, you’re able to scale the fonts based on regular size and upwards by a percentage over normal. The process below may vary slightly depending on which version of Windows you’re using, but you’re looking for the folder in the Control Panel that lets you reset the size of icons and text. The second option is to change the size of fonts in Windows. Option 2: Adjusting the Font Size in Windows Tip: Start with making a small adjustment, then test it to see if you need to increase further. On the Font Size field, use the drop-down list to adjust the size. In the General Settings window, click on the Font & Bkgd tab.Under the main menu, go to Administration > System Initialization > General Settings.Important: To do this, you’ll need authorization to change the font settings. If you don't already have access, ask your system administrator for permission. Although this helps a lot, it doesn't increase the font size on the main title bar across the top or the subsequent menus beneath those headings. The only drawback to this approach is that the bigger you make the font, the more it changes the layout of your windows. The first option is to simply increase the font size in SAP Business One. Option 1: Adjust the Font Size in SAP Business One If you find the font size in SAP Business One too small, here are two solutions to the problem.